Flexible solutions to enable more efficient and profitable work
The Beyond product package created by Phoron do Brasil consists of flexible solutions that were developed to simplify process modeling, generate concise and easily accessible representations, enabling a more efficient and profitable work. Based on standard SAP, our Beyond solutions easily integrate with SAP technology without the use of interfaces and are fully compatible with all versions.
Electronic Invoice
Regarding the mapping of the electronic invoice (NFe), SAP offers a solution for the output and input processing of the required XML file. In this way, the necessary database for legal reporting is available in one system and possible inconsistencies are avoided. The additional license costs are fully offset by the functionality benefits.
Tax Reports
The "Beyond.Brasil-FiscalCockpit" solution developed in SAP ERP serves the accounting of several segments of the Brazilian market during the periodic reporting of legal requirements reports. All norms and legal requirements are rigorously complied with.
State reports
The GIA-ICMS (ICMS Information and Calculation Guide) is the instrument through which the taxpayer registered in the ICMS Taxpayer Registry and required to keep tax books must declare economic and tax information, according to the tax assessment regime to which it is subject or according to the operations or installments carried out in the period.
Process facilitators
Solutions for the import process and output processes.